This is the log of underground emcee Tah Phrum Duh Bush's happenings. You will be thoroughly entertained and not bullshitted in any capacity. Have a strong stomach and get ready for the ride!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Philadelphia: IMC-07 Holiday Inn at the Philadelphia Stadium
Philly... Oh Philly!
Dost thou not loveth indie music?
I rocked at the Independent Music Conference this weekend at the Holiday Inn at the Philly Stadium. I brought along some great performers too. DJ Polarity, Coole High and Homeboy Sandman.
Coole and Homeboy Sandman rocked Thursday for a thin crowd, then I rocked Friday, Coole and I rocked again on Sunday. DJ Polarity rocked throughout!
I did an impromptu performance in the main corridors of the Conference Friday afternoon to promote for the show later on They had a whole rig set up to record people live and nobody was taking advantage of it, so I dove in! Did a quick mic check and then Mic 101 live with DJ Polarity on the Beatbox. Shane from Racetrack Sound Studios held me down on the boards. Peep the link... U can hear it for yourself. Hey... U can even download it for free!!
Click Here to listen and or Download
Friday nigh 9pm ...what an odd venue. Big stage, great sound people... Mike and Technical John...
Funny, it kinda gives a Jay and Silent Bob type of ring doesn't it? But yo... these were some of the best if not the best sound team I've worked with in a long time. Very pro, very patient and on top of things. Big ups to sound people everywhere! I know how hard your jobs are.
Anyway... DJ Polarity Opened up the set with a bit of turntablism.
The people in the spot didn't seem like they had ever seen anything like it. Here we go again culturing the unwitting of Hip-Hop. It's cool though. The Loved it. The crowd was very attentive and I believe they dug the digs. I put some chalk boards out like I did at Freddy's Back Room but somehow. It didn't work out the same way. I guess some things are best kept for smaller more intimate venues. I did, however have the cordless mics going so I took the freestyle out into the crowd and they LOVED it.
Yes... for the first time in history when I asked if there were any plumbers in the house someone actually just blurted out. "Yeah man... I like to Lay That Pipe!" It was a dude well into his 50s maybe even beyond that.
His name is Rudy. We nicknamed him "Rudy the plumber" for the rest of the conference. He wore it proudly!
Don't know what happened Sunday night but it's all good. Polarity Handled it while we got the system up and running.
The wireless mics didn't agree with the rest of the equipment, Coole High's show CD wasn't working and we got stuck in a mess of traffic on the way to the show. The crowd was waiting for us. So Coole High and I decided to combine our sets into one. Kinda like what we did at the last IMC in 2006. What a success!!! I ran the set off of my laptop computer and Coole, Polarity and I did a tag team set.
It got rave reviews. I mean RAVE reviews. We were all over the place and then at the end of the set Coole beatboxed and I hit the freestyle. Standing ovation!
And guess what. I was on two different panels... Tah teaches the people! Aren't you proud?
More to come.
Monday, August 27, 2007
A Dope Hip Hop Show at the Knitting Factory
I mean shyt... It's only right!
DJ Esquire
Hyphen One
DJ Watts
DJ Polarity
and yours truly... Tah Phrum Duh Bush rocked it out tonight in the Old Office at the knitting factory. Way below street level. 3 Stories down. No cell phone signal. Shyt. I think we would have been safe from a nuclear bomb down there. That's what I call underground Hip-Hop! Yeah yeah... I know it was corny... sue me!
Dope set. Thin crowd but hey it happens like that sometimes when you rock 2 shows back to back. This means next time I have to grind harder when there are shows so close together.
This is Liz... She wants to film me for a documentary called "From The Underground Up"
Polarity was extra on point tonight I must say!
Get at me!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Live at Freddy's Back Room!
This Place is classic!
If you have never been here, it is a must visit. This place is the dive of all dives. It feels like your in a small town and it's the only place around for miles. Very comfy, very warm, yet it lacks the "hick town" feeling and of course the hicks (no offense to hicks by the way).
A band called the Pianos rocked before I got on. They were crazy... they had everything except for a piano. Drums, Trombone, Accordian, Bass. Unique as hell.
Anyway I got on and had a blast. There's no stage. There's a "performance area".
DJ Polarity rocked atop a pair of shaky bar tables. That's talent! The crowd had a blast. We pulled out a new addition to the show. I gave out these mini chalk boards and people wrote down phrases for me to make a story with. They loved it!
Somehow Energitis got lost in the shuffle and we didn't do it. Oh well. Hopefully we'll get another chance in the near future to rock at Freddy's. The staff there loved the set and they were really good to us. Big ups!
More to come. Peep the flix.
Get at me!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tah Gets Sponsored by 37 Deep Clothing
Sponsorship by 37 Deep Clothing
Peep it y’all! Tah Phrum Duh Bush is now officially sponsored by 37 Deep Clothing, an exclusively Flatbush Based company. Wherever Tah goes, you'll know him by the T-shirts he wears that don "FL@BUSH" on the front. 37 Deep Clothing is located in the heart of Flatbush Brooklyn. "The Borough President came by here one day and told me that this street (
Get at me!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Flatbush Community Fest!
Today was the Flatbush Community Fest.
It's an event that was put together by some fantastic people in the Flatbush area (yours truly included). It's the first in hopefully a series of events that we will be putting together to raise awareness of the need for (and raise funds for) the construction of a community center to be built in the Flatbush area of Brooklyn. We need one badly and the government isn't seeing to it that one is being created so we have to take matters into our own hands.
As of today a portion of every purchase of the Flatbush Remixes CD is going toward the funding of the "Bold Hope" Community Center so don't be afraid to support. You can purchase it at http://Flatbush or It's only 9 bucks (shipping included) so do your good deed for the day and order a copy!
Tah isn't only Phrum Duh Bush, he's Phor Duh Bush!! (for the Bush) As in Flatbush.
Autographs? What U think you're famous now???
Peep out the pics below!
Demostina came out and supported the event by doing t-shirts on the fly for the organizers of the event.
The Lovely and talented Jeanine Truly held me down during Mic 101
I told U she was talented!
Your DJ Mannix!
The Crew!!
The Duet
Anna gets a henna tatoo... She's the one who got it all started. A Woman with a big dream and a Bold Hope!
Tah puts pressure on the Flatbush City Council member, Mr. Mathieu Eugene's shoulder...
We need this community center badly!!!
African War paint and Indian Henna Tatoos. I told you Flatbush is diverse!!