This is the log of underground emcee Tah Phrum Duh Bush's happenings. You will be thoroughly entertained and not bullshitted in any capacity. Have a strong stomach and get ready for the ride!!!
Tomorrow is going to be some hell of a concert in New York City. I have gathered up some of the best acts I know in the tri-state area for a kick ass concert! Plus Kenny’s has cheap, potent drinks and a kick ass kitchen. Eat, drink and make merriment for the Super King headlines!!!
We are bringing it to you for a mere $7 bucks… But… if you purchase advanced tickets online… It’s only $5… That’s $1 per act Plus a live DJ.
Doors at 9pm This show will start on time!!!! 9:30pm- Conceptual Elements 10pm- Sketch The Cataclysm 10:30pm- Coole High 11pm- Tah Phrum Duh Bush 11:30pm- Super King Armor DJ Polarity on the Decks Repeat...This show will start on time!!!
Tickets will be available “will call” only. Meaning you have to pick them up at the venue.
I will be autographing my new project “Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works”. Tah tees will also be available. I will be there early to eat so come eat with me at 9pm. See you at the concert!
Peep it.... Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works has been reviewed on
Thanks to Stacy Sobel for the words!
Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works - You Need This Book and CD In Your Life....
Sometimes a book comes along and leaves its mark on you long after you turn the last page. This effect is intensified when the book comes with a companion full length CD of amazing music with tracks that run parallel to the chapters in the book. Such is the case with Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works by the supremely talented Emcee, DJ, Writer, Tah Phrum Duh Bush....
This is some really not cool shit. Now I understand how these celebrities feel.
I hope nobody has to go through the crap that I am dealing with right now. And you thought I couldn't sleep before? Non-stop phone calls, emails and text messages...
Maintaining my cool though.
Keep me in your positive, stalk free thoughts Y'all
Was at the West Indian Day Parade today with Demostina... Thinking about my American Black People... Yeah The Few... of us that are left in NYC have no real identifiable culture that bonds us together with other American Black people nationwide except for Hip Hop. That is so wack. Watching all of these multi-colored shades of brown on folks from countries that had to fight for their independence and have established their own cultures was refreshing to see because we, as "American Black People", still don't have our "own" real culture. I'm not downplaying our progress and accomplishments as American Black folks. I am not saying we have absolutely no culture. I am saying we don't celebrate who we are in mass proportions on a national or even regional scale and that shit is wack. I was vocal about this and had a few people tell me "we have Kwanzaa". Kwanzaa is really nice but it is a holiday, not a culture. I don't think we feel that we have anything to really celebrate as a people other than our struggles. There is so much at play here. I have a beef with our people that runs through my soul for allowing this system to continue to strip us of everything we create and turning it into some mainstream money machine. I have a beef with what this country has done to my people that burdens my soul. We are too busy hating ourselves and each-other to bind together to form some semblance of a real culture. We are always trying to be "Negroes" or "African Americans". Names coined for reasons of political correctness.... Taking pieces of what we were shoveled over the years to be "our culture". Have U ever been to the "African American parade" in NYC? That shit is wack. We don't have our own flag. What can we wave at a parade? The star spangled banner? Fuck No! Yes, I was born here, yes I am an American, but so are Native Americans. They have culture that binds them. This shit hurts me. I have a gripe. Fuck the Cream of Wheat Man! This has been a day of dichotomous feelings for me. Happy to be black and part of a strong race. Sad to not have a real SOLID culture. Nothing to really hold on to. Slavery was so hard on "my people"... It still is. FUCK!!!!
Thanks for reading my frustrated rant. I love my people. Let's progress.
Yes, Y'all if you didn't make it out, here is more coverage.
Travels With Adam B for August 18-19th, 2010 Author: Adam Bernard
I rarely plan on going to events on back to back nights, but it just so happened that it was unavoidable last week as Tah Phrum Duh Bush and Coole High had their dual album release party on Wednesday, and Foul Mouth Jerk and TopR were performing around the corner from me on Thursday. Both events were filled with some special moments and one even included some unexpected nudity. Here’s what went down.
Peep the Medina Ink Interview with Tah Phrum Duh Bush! Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking about not thinking. ~Clifton Fadiman
The clock strikes midnight, starting another day in the cycle of life. Eyes open. Aware. Thinking and looking up at the same ceiling, described to its smallest details over and over again. The handprint from bouncing on the bed. The tiny crack from a leak. It's just another night for Tah Phrum Duh Bush.
Coming from the depths of East Flatbush, Tah had issues getting up from sleep as a kid, forcing him to figure out a way to stay up. Once he reached high school, the pattern flipped and he couldn't get himself to sleep. It's all he's known for the rest of his life. A mind that runs all day and all night with no sense of stopping, enough to give him relief.
"The dichotomy of my life continues to haunt me. Anything with me is an opposite. I've learned that my life is a constant evaluation of opposites, polar opposites and grey area opposites."
The struggle of having a brain that doesn't stop was forcing Tah to look at natural remedies such as Melatonin, which didn't work. He took Valerian Root which just led him to hallucinate deeply. Remedies began to fade bringing him to a scary place of suicidal thoughts.
"There's a fear of not finding a way out of the way you're currently living. And to know that there's one sure possible way out is one of the scariest things in the world."
As this process continued, Tah chose to write a couple of songs about his experiences with the idea of putting out a maxi-single. The process took him deeper than he thought as song after song came rushing out. It became a full album as his friends encouraged him to get personal so people can get to know who Tah is as an artist and a human being. Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works was born, giving way to not only an album but an accompanying book.
Tah Phrum Duh Bush isn't just one of the most talented people in New York City's underground hip-hop scene, he's also one of the most important. His unwavering support of the scene, which is evident by his presence at a staggering number of shows, and his willingness to not just share, but encourage proper promotional and marketing techniques, has helped legions of artists achieve far more than they could have ever hoped. Now it's time for Tah to achieve again, as on August 18th his latest project, Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works, will be hitting stores. I caught up with Tah Phrum Duh Bush to find out more about the project, the real life sickness that inspired it, and the events that caused it to continually be pushed back. Tah also revealed the thought process behind one of his greatest marketing techniques, his giant Tah Phrum Duh Bush sign.
Here it is. "Semi-Reserved Closet Manic"! Feeling Like a Free Download?
Get it on!
If you have ever wanted to choke the shit out of someone but didn't then this song is for you! End of story. No violence. But the potential is there. You are Semi-Reserved.
Download it and listen! Exclusive Artwork by Ingrid Powell. Peep it...
Take 7 minutes and 47 seconds out of your day to read this update and get back to me with your thoughts.
Exciting times…
It’s been a minute since an update and for good reason. Life has been a roller coaster ride of epic proportions. It seems that every time I get ready to release this project, major catastrophes seem to happen like hard drives crashing, back up hard drives crashing, houses burning down, deaths in the family, car accidents, venues being shifty and trying to eat off of my merchandise, etc…
That’s it! I am putting this out… into your mind, into the world, into the atmosphere, and into the rest of the universe … I will be releasing this project on AUGUST 18th, 2010. No more delays dammit!
I will be officially releasing the first single off of the album on August 1st. It is called "Semi-Reserved Closet Maniac" I will be giving this single away free to anyone who is a part of my email list. If you've ever had a "choke your boss" fantasy type of day, then this song is for you. Download it, play it and love it. Cover Art for the single is by the splendiferous Ingrid Powell.
Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works is the name of the project.
It is a group of “works” that are reflective and introspective of my experiences with insomnia.It includes an audio album on CD and a complete BOOK (not a booklet, a complete literary work).
Lyrically, this album trumps anything I have ever done. If you are a fan of deep lyrics with intricate lyrical flows and a dark edge, you are going to love the CD. It will make you think. It will make you rewind and replay.Musically I have expanded by recruiting tracks form the production geniuses of Amorphous Works, Coole High and C-Doc “The War Hammer”. The music captures the moods of the way insomnia makes me feel perfectly. I outsourced the incredible Mike Spice of Connected Sounds to mix 10 of the 15 tracks and he mastered all of them… WOW… Sonic deliciousness~!
The book is a deeper explanation and reflection of my experiences that lead to me writing the songs. You will definitely want to read the book because it expands upon the CD in ways you won’t believe until you read it. It will, at very least, be something you will relate to on a personal level. At most, it will change the way you think of me, you, and the rest of the world. It also includes exclusive line artwork by me and Demostina http://Demostina.comthat is reflective of the whole theme. My pieces are sketches that I created as I was writing the book. These sketches gave rise to my new mascot “Him”. (T-shirts coming soon). Demostina’s pieces are reflective of songs from the CD. The Cover art is also 2 paintings done by Demostina. The literary work is a culmination of my thoughts and experiences in life dealing with insomnia. If you’ve ever had a difficult time sleeping then this project is something that you will severely relate to. If you haven’t had a battle with sleep then you’ll be able to get a better understanding of where I am coming from. It is a very personal account so get ready to hear and read some meat and potatoes you never thought you’d hear from me. It is SUPER personal.
The Release concert will be Wednesday August 18th, 2010
At Santos Party House in NYC
96 Lafayette Street, NY, NY 10013
If you are in NYC, you should make it your business to be there. I guarantee that you will not see another release concert like this one.
I have teamed up with Coole High who is also releasing his album “Futuristically Speaking” on the same day. We have brought in Hip Hop playwright and director Gustav Gauntlet to combine the themes of our albums into a theatrical production of a concert performance like you’ve never seen on the NYC Underground. We have worked in cameos from some of the NYC area underground’s finest talent…
The event will be called FUTURE INSOMNIAC
Peep the flyer…
Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door.
There will be a VIP reception for advanced ticket holders and press at 6pm. We will be serving finger foods, wine and some extras so not only do you get a few bucks off of admission, you get to schmooze. There will be a Q&A and video screening of our unreleased videos.
Doors will open to the general public at 7pm and curtain will be at 8pm Sharp. The event will be over at 10pm. The after party will be at another location at 10:30pm. We are arranging transportation from venue to venue for the people in attendance. The after party is complementary for ticket holders and will feature performances by the artists who are involved in the concert.
After all this time, the wait is over. The Release concert for Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works will be at the fantastic Santos Party House in NYC...
The previous venue we were supposed to have the concert at ran a sham deal and we had to walk away from it to a bigger and better venue.
Are you ready? Things are going so much better than expected! Please take note that the date has changed as well. The new Date is Wednesday August 18th... Advanced Ticket Holders and Press VIP reception at 6pm and Doors open at 7pm Curtains at 8pm. This will be one of the most unique events of the summer as Tah Phrum Duh Bush and Coole High combine the themes of their individual projects for a theatrical concert under the direction of Gus Gauntlet. Visit http://FutureInsomniac.com or for more details.