Was at the West Indian Day Parade today with Demostina...
Thinking about my American Black People...
Yeah The Few... of us that are left in NYC have no real identifiable culture that bonds us together with other American Black people
nationwide except for Hip Hop. That is so wack. Watching all of these multi-colored shades of brown on folks from countries that had to fight for their independence and have established their own cultures was refreshing to see because we, as "American Black People", still don't have our "own"
real culture. I'm not downplaying our progress and accomplishments as American Black folks. I am not saying we have absolutely no culture. I am saying we don't celebrate who we are in mass proportions on a national or even regional scale and that shit is wack. I was vocal about this and had a few people tell me "we have Kwanzaa". Kwanzaa is really nice but it is a holiday, not a culture. I don't think we feel that we have anything to really celebrate as a people other than our struggles. There is so much at play here. I have a beef with our people that runs through my soul for allowing this system to continue to strip us of everything we create and turning it into some mainstream money machine. I have a beef with what this country has done to my people that burdens my soul. We are too busy hating ourselves and each-other to bind together to form some semblance of a real culture. We are always trying to be "Negroes" or "African Americans". Names coined for reasons of political correctness.... Taking pieces of what we were shoveled over the years to be "our culture". Have U ever been to the "African American parade" in NYC? That shit is wack. We don't have our own flag. What can we wave at a parade? The star spangled banner? Fuck No! Yes, I was born here, yes I am an American, but so are Native Americans. They have culture that binds them. This shit hurts me. I have a gripe. Fuck the Cream of Wheat Man! This has been a day of dichotomous feelings for me. Happy to be black and part of a strong race. Sad to not have a real SOLID culture. Nothing to really hold on to. Slavery was so hard on "my people"...
It still is.
Thanks for reading my frustrated rant.
I love my people. Let's progress.