Whut it is y’all?!?!?!?!?!
What’s better than this?
5 incredible talents for $7 measly bucks! Nice right? Wait, it gets better…
CLICK HERE to get your Five Dollar tickets CLICK HERE
Tomorrow is going to be some hell of a concert in New York City.
I have gathered up some of the best acts I know in the tri-state area for a kick ass concert! Plus Kenny’s has cheap, potent drinks and a kick ass kitchen. Eat, drink and make merriment for the Super King headlines!!!
CLICK HERE to get your Five Dollar tickets CLICK HERE
We are bringing it to you for a mere $7 bucks…
But… if you purchase advanced tickets online… It’s only $5… That’s $1 per act Plus a live DJ.
Doors at 9pm
This show will start on time!!!!
9:30pm- Conceptual Elements
10pm- Sketch The Cataclysm
10:30pm- Coole High
11pm- Tah Phrum Duh Bush
11:30pm- Super King Armor
DJ Polarity on the Decks
Repeat...This show will start on time!!!
CLICK HERE to get your Five Dollar tickets CLICK HERE
Tickets will be available “will call” only. Meaning you have to pick them up at the venue.
I will be autographing my new project “Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works”. Tah tees will also be available.
I will be there early to eat so come eat with me at 9pm.
See you at the concert!
Peace n Sleep,