After the show on the 25th, I never managed to rent a car as the cheapest one was $400 plus mileage for the weekend. So…I bummed a ride with Rich, the guy that put together the “Circus of the Shattered Monkey”. We were accompanied by Melissa and Cool assed Joseph in the back seat.
We drove out to New Paltz, NY where we performed at the Oasis Café
Hot show! I held it down as Ringmaster with antics and intermittent freestyles accompanied by Hypaspace, the house band of the Circus. They couldn’t fit on the stage with the rest of the acts so they were shoved into this cramped doorway and sectioned off with caution tape. They still tore it down.

Sexy Assed Ericka came out to see me!

She brought her friend out who had just had a shitty experience with some dude so we cheered her up with a little “fuck that dude” freestyle. The crowd helped and she left smiling.

All the bands were hot! Saw some shyt I never even thought about seeing. Lots of talent. You need to see a Shattered Monkey show!
February 27th
After a night at the ever so cheesey Motel 46, we got on the road to Providence Rhode Island. Ghess who drove most of the way? Yep… My ass!
The show was a bit light on the crowd side. Maybe it was too cold or maybe the bands didn’t promote enough. I don’t know. The people who did come got some show! The bands were stellar! I did an extended version of “Lay That Pipe” with Hypaspace that should have been recorded. It was off the chain! In the midst of all that I managed to move a few CDs. Hotness!
Guess who had to drive all the way back to NYC? Yep… My ass! What the fuck man? How’d I end up driving the majority anyway? Just my fate I guess.
March 3rd, 2006
I went out to Central New Jersey…. Way out in Central New Jersey to see Third Party and Hyphen One & Daylow perform. What a show. I think the whole town was there! I somehow managed to be called up to the mic at the end of the show for some freestyle. Made some friends and some fans, sold some CDs too. What a hike, but well worth it!
March 7th, 2006
From the Block Out the Box
Bisc-1, Miss Angelina, Ill Spokinn, Core Rhythm, DJ Milkmoney, Rose and I are working on a Hip-Hop Songwriting workshop in the Bronx with 7th and 8th Graders. Today was the introduction to it. We threw a kind of mini concert in front of like 300 students. Shyt was kool until my speakers blew out in the middle of the show! My PA system!!!!! YAAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!
The show came of well and the kids loved it. More to come on this in the future, I’ll keep you posted!
March 9th 2006
Wrote a Joint with Miss Angelina today. Very Hot, very Sexual joint. I can’t wait to get it out for people to hear. The streets are already buzzing about it. We’re supposed to perform it at 4th Fridays this Month. That’s tins week. Bowery Poetry Club. 308 Bowery, NYC. Be there. Don’t miss it! You’ll be sorry!
March 17th, 2006
What a Show!
The crowd loved it! I opened up with Life and Death Dichotomy… The crowd went nuts… I had a makeshift bed on the stage, Mish worked the lighting perfectly. The mood was ON!
I did EYE, & Mic 101.
Funny shyt… like it was part of the set… This guy came up on stage out of nowhere and started asking if he could get some light. That was seconds before I did “Shine” It worked so perfectly! If you weren’t there you should have seen it. I have some of the footage on tape. Hopefully when I get to review it, it’ll be a part of the footage. I’ll put it up when I re-vamp the website (Soon!) After that I did lay that pipe. The aliens came out and made their appearance on this one. Life-sized an in your face aliens. Shyt was crazy! I ended the show off with Energitis. The crowd Love this one too! The staff @ Bowery said that this was my best show yet! That’s Hot! Sold a bunch of CDs too! Yay! Now I can pay my phone bill!
( I know right… this broke ass!)
There was an Emcee cipher on stage after the show. This white kid got up on stage and said “Nigger” like 30 times while he was rhyming so I had to pull his card. This other kid tried to dis us both. I dropped $10 on stage and challenged him to a battle. Needless to say. I went home with 10 more bucks then I came with.
All of the Acts were on Point. G Friday, Readnex Poetry Squad, and Adaptamental!
Hot shyt Y’all!
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