This is the log of underground emcee Tah Phrum Duh Bush's happenings. You will be thoroughly entertained and not bullshitted in any capacity. Have a strong stomach and get ready for the ride!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Prague is the shit!!!!
Just landed in Prague and I love this place already!
It's about 50 degrees outside and the air is crisp. Almost like San Francisco early in the morning.
If you haven't been here, do it before you die.
Especially if you are from the United States. There is so much history here it's amazing!
The architecture, the streets, the parks, the whole shebang.
More to come with pictures and video. Stay tuned and tune in on the regular.
Get at Me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
OK... P90X results.... Are You Ready?
I'm exposing a very personal thing here. My damn body... This may be the only time I do this. I know some people are gonna be like "I don't want to see this shit" but the majority of responses have been that they want to see the results. If you don't want to see it, then don't look. It's just that easy. A bunch of people have asked me based on face to face observations of the changes to train them or to put them on to what I've been doing... Hit me up and I'll tell you all about it. Just be aware, this is no "over-night" easy fitness shit. It requires a lot of work, dedication and restructuring of how you eat. You do eat. As a matter of fact you eat more frequently than you probably did in the past so you won't starve at all. It's no starvation diet type of deal but the quality of the things you eat has to change.
I'm putting this out there because I see how unhealthy I became in just 6 months. Most people are super unhealthy all their lives. Especially people in the hood. Bad neighborhood and poor education usually comes with a shitty diet and poor health soon follows. There is an epidemic in the US and it's called obesity. It's killing people left and right. It also has a serious effect on self esteem which leads to more unhealthy crap like smoking and being sedentary. I feel the difference in my mood as well. I went through some really rough times when I was putting on that weight and it made the rough times a whole lot rougher.
So with that being said... If I can do this, anyone can do this. You'll be surprised how quickly it goes by and how good you'll feel physically and mentally.
Here are the pre and post measurements:
Pre Day 1
Weight 213 lbs, Waist 39, Chest 42 , Hips 42, Body Fat 25%
Day 91:
Weight 185 lbs, Waist 34.5, Chest 40 , Hips 40, Body Fat 13.8%
Dayum... I'm just realizing I lost 28 lbs... I said I'd lose a toddler and I lost a school aged kid!
Now for the pre, intra and post photos:
Here it goes... I'm warning you, I really let it go... so get out your air sickness bags for the first picture and don't tell me about how "gay" the pose on the Day 60 picture looks, I don't really care to hear that from anyone else at this time. It's really annoying.
Pre Day 1
Day 30
Day 60
Day 91
Wash your panties on that washboard woman!!!
Oh Yeah!!!! Clean em real goooood!!!
I didn't think I was gonna get the results I got especially after I took the Day 60 pics but the last 30 Days does the trick.
Believe it.
Hit me up if you want to know more. I'm thinking of becoming a Beach Body coach... What do you think?
Thanks for reading and take care of yourself.
Get @ Me!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hired Gun's Release Party: The People's Verses
What a bash!
These things just keep getting better and better!!!
For those of you outside of NYC and those who could not make it out to last night's concert... This is the exciting news!
The show kicked off with an exciting opener by one of the most talented eMCees in NYC Why G.
He killed it with a set of pure energy.
Next up... Yours Truly! I performed Semi-Reserved Closet Maniac and Laceration which are quicy becoming crowd favorites.
After that I introduced the man of the hour: Hired Gun!
I had the crowd on the left chanting "Hired Gun, Hired Gun, Hired Gun"
and then the right side chimed in "H-G!"
"Hired Gun, Hired Gun, Hired Gun"
"Hired Gun, Hired Gun, Hired Gun"
"Hired Gun, Hired Gun, Hired Gun"
The man came out to a thunderous roar of cheers. What a tremendous set; with cameos by Core Rhythm, Tranquill and Preacher Mann to name a few.
What a performance!
At the end fo his set Hired Gun did a song about his ex girlfriend. I say ex-girlfriend because they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend after he pulled out all the stops and proposed to her on stage!
She said yes!
Congratz to Hired Gun and his wife to be Cee Cee.
Thanks for reading. More exciting things to come....
Did I mention I'm going to Europe to perform in September? Email me for details!
Get @ me!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Jake Lefco's Album Release Party
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tah Origin, J-Live and Oddy Gato in Albany at the Red Square
How many cats can say that they had the opportunity to perform on stage with a whole roster of people he is a fan of? Including an underground Hip-Hop Legend?
AHHHH but Tah can!!!!
Big ups to DJ Polarity for holding me down on the decks!
DJ Elementwas dope on the 1&2s.
And this time I didn't run into 12 hours of traffic on the way up there!!!
Oddy Gato
J-Live... I salute you!
What a show man... what a show!!!!
Get at me!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Make Music New York
I was supposed to perform at two different locations for the Annual Make Music New York Celebration. For those of you who aren't familiar. It is the day of the Summer Solstice. Musicians from all over the City perform at hundreds of locations on the streets of NYC. The first location was the same place I was supposed to perform at last year that was thwarted by a rogue thunder storm. This year, I waited and waited and waited and the sound wasn't set up so Coole High and I had to move on to the next gig outside of the Flatbush Development Corporation headquarters on Newkirk Avenue in, you guessed it, FLATBUSH!
Coole High and I tag teamed a set and I must say it was pretty damn good!
I was all over the place. I somehow ended up on top of a fire hydrant. Rhyming to people. They went crazy when I performed "Flatbush". Tons of people joined the email list.
You really need to see a Tah and Coole Tag Team show. We're gonna do it at the Flatbush Frolic on September 14th. You should come out!
Photos are below.
Get @ me!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A to Z eMCee is back!!!
We started to theme the competitions.
This month's theme...
Star Wars.
The eMCees came armed with their Star Wars references and
Still Life took the Champ title. Concept was the Number One Contender.
Star wars movies cluttered the joint and was covering the event on the web cast end.
Stay with us. A to Z eMCee is growing!
Get at me!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
The Jamma at NAMA
You want to talk about Sweat Box?
This place was sweat box supreme!
It was about 90 degrees outside and 956 degrees inside. They had one church fan blowing air around and they had all kinds of food laid out. U know I couldn't eat any of it because I'm on this P90X fitness business... man, I never wanted a piece of fried chicken so bad in all my life! It was all home made too. (sigh!)
Anyway... After the people packed in the show started, I got kinda pushed back a few acts. My feature Doc Beats showed up late and he and DJ Polarity held me down on the beatbox because the sound system was not functioning properly. I got up on the chairs and freestyled around the room and the crowd loved it. I performed Semi Reserved Closet Manic and they loved it.
Hot Room, Hot show!
Donate to NAMA... They need air conditioning badly!!!
Get at me!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Today... Is a day for change!!!!
OK man...
I'm fed up with this unhealthy shit!
I'm usually in the gym 5 days-a week.
Since November 2007 I've been to the gym about 5 times in total.
I've gained about 12 pounds and I now have a belly. This shit ain't sexy. People are telling me I look fine but I don’t feel fine.
Stress leads to unhealthy habits and eating patterns which in turn bring more stress and it becomes a vicious cycle.
I'm starting to feel really disgusting. So here it goes. I saw one of these infomercials on TV... I just happened to turn on the TV and it was there. I rarely turn on the TV so this was a message. It was an infomercial for this program called P90X. Guess what… I ordered it. It came and I'm on it like a hornet! I'm going on a 90 day fitness binge. I'm going to put the pre, day 30, day 60 and day 91progression pics up here so around August 26th we'll see if it works like they say it does. Feedback would be appreciated. Support would be appreciated. Love would be appreciated. Help would be appreciated. Buy a CD. Tell a friend, come to a show.
By August 26th. I will lose a toddler! At least a toddler's weight anyway.. ahem...
Hit me up!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Core Rhythm's Album Release Party
I was like Mr Roarke. your host.
The place was packed.
3rd Party, Verse All, Baba Israel and Yako 440 all opened up the event with insane sets.
Core Rhythm Killed it!
Then the freestyle cypher a-la "Sin Sin" ensued.
Congrats Core!
Monday, May 05, 2008
OK so Second Place ain't bad...
I'm there to defend my title from last month right... and then...
I kill it all the way through to the last round and it was me against PreZZure who is the current #1 contender at my event A to Z eMCee.
After the round was over, the crowd was screaming out for a bonus "Head to Head" round.
I started to laugh uncontrollably for like 20 seconds because I kept seeing this character (that Super King Armor had drawn for a flier for a show we did in March... peep the flier below) with PreZZure's face on it saying "Watcha gonna do now huuuuuh? Whatcha gonna say now suckaaaaah?" I couldn't focus at all and I came out with some of the worst lines in my battle history in between laughing. So I guess the jokes on me right? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
That was some weird shit.
Congrats PreZZure!
U can't win em all huh?
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The Five L's and Tah
If U know anything about me, U know I looooooves me some ladies.
They look good, smell good, sound good, feel good, taste good... Oops did I say that?
I've been thinking about putting on a concert event for the ladies of the mic and talents of all sorts to been seen but those who are clueless. I think that women are under exposed and under appreciated for their actual talents and over exposed for sex and advertising. I think it is time to wake people up! This first installment of what I hope to make a bi-monthly experience did just that.
What I'm thinking about is having 4 ladies and one male who appreciates the feminine to rock at this concert during each installment. What do U think?
Ideas, questions comments? Let me know.
LMNOP set it off with a powerful set. This lady ain't playin'. You can find her all over the Underground. That's why you found here here!
Rachel Lynn came all the way from Santa Monica California and wowed all the guys. What a voice.
You should see the end result of Demostina's Painting. Oh yeah and she's got some music coming out soon. What a talent!
Be there for her next event.
Incks did a short but sweet set including her smash single "Rap Music"
Your host, DJ, Sound Man, Camera man, Photographer, and the closing act of the night:
Tah Phrum Duh Bush
aka Mr. Exhausted!
I debuted a new son off of my forthcoming EP (Luminous Dark Alleys "The Insomniac Works) called "Slumber Free Nocturnal Emission Admission". It was a hit... (Whew! That has to be one of the hardest things in this music game... doing a new song live)