So here it is... on May 27th, I sent it out to you all that I'd be doing this fitness program called P90X because in a nutshell I got fat and lazy from October, 2007 to May, 2008. If you didn't get the email, check the may 27th blog posting.
I'm exposing a very personal thing here. My damn body... This may be the only time I do this. I know some people are gonna be like "I don't want to see this shit" but the majority of responses have been that they want to see the results. If you don't want to see it, then don't look. It's just that easy. A bunch of people have asked me based on face to face observations of the changes to train them or to put them on to what I've been doing... Hit me up and I'll tell you all about it. Just be aware, this is no "over-night" easy fitness shit. It requires a lot of work, dedication and restructuring of how you eat. You do eat. As a matter of fact you eat more frequently than you probably did in the past so you won't starve at all. It's no starvation diet type of deal but the quality of the things you eat has to change.
I'm putting this out there because I see how unhealthy I became in just 6 months. Most people are super unhealthy all their lives. Especially people in the hood. Bad neighborhood and poor education usually comes with a shitty diet and poor health soon follows. There is an epidemic in the US and it's called obesity. It's killing people left and right. It also has a serious effect on self esteem which leads to more unhealthy crap like smoking and being sedentary. I feel the difference in my mood as well. I went through some really rough times when I was putting on that weight and it made the rough times a whole lot rougher.
So with that being said... If I can do this, anyone can do this. You'll be surprised how quickly it goes by and how good you'll feel physically and mentally.
Here are the pre and post measurements:
Pre Day 1
Weight 213 lbs, Waist 39, Chest 42 , Hips 42, Body Fat 25%
Day 91:
Weight 185 lbs, Waist 34.5, Chest 40 , Hips 40, Body Fat 13.8%
Dayum... I'm just realizing I lost 28 lbs... I said I'd lose a toddler and I lost a school aged kid!
Now for the pre, intra and post photos:
Here it goes... I'm warning you, I really let it go... so get out your air sickness bags for the first picture and don't tell me about how "gay" the pose on the Day 60 picture looks, I don't really care to hear that from anyone else at this time. It's really annoying.
Pre Day 1
Day 30
Day 60
Day 91
Wash your panties on that washboard woman!!!
Oh Yeah!!!! Clean em real goooood!!!
I didn't think I was gonna get the results I got especially after I took the Day 60 pics but the last 30 Days does the trick.
Believe it.
Hit me up if you want to know more. I'm thinking of becoming a Beach Body coach... What do you think?
Thanks for reading and take care of yourself.
Get @ Me!
This is the log of underground emcee Tah Phrum Duh Bush's happenings. You will be thoroughly entertained and not bullshitted in any capacity. Have a strong stomach and get ready for the ride!!!
When you told me this afternoon that you lost weight, I had to see exactly how your body changed! You look GREAT!!! I must admit, my eating habits are so off and at times unhealthy-and I stay complaining about me being overweight. It's like I know EXACTLY what to do, but I am so damn lazy!! One day I will get sick of it and do something! Keep doing your thang, and continue to be an inspiration!
aka "The Hurricane"
Okay Sexy! LOL!
Those kinds of changes take a LOT of discipline, and you did it! Kudos, and congrats. :) Enjoy Europe (again).
Tah, u got diesel!
I'm a believer now! Thanx for sharin the pix!
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