The Music Strategies Conference
This is the run down.
Anyone who knows Tah Phrum Duh Bush knows that I bust my as to get my music in front of people and give the best show possible. This is where I go to fine tune my techniques with people from various genres of music from Folk to Jazz to Hip-Hop to Bluegrass to Rock to Singer/Songwriter to Classical to Electronica. All with mutual respect.
This conference meets every 5-6 months. It is headed by music industry guru Tim Sweeney. He's building an army of serious indie artists which he guides in their quests to become self sustaining entities without the necessity of major record label involvement. If you ever wanted to meet a more talented and driven bunch of people I doubt you could do it. This is it!
We've become a strong family. You can get in if you're serious. Hey, this type of hustle ain't for everyone.
Here's some flix of people I've come to build with, some other people I happened to meet and chill/jam with and some impromptu shots of my performance at the Westin Hotel in Los Angeles.
This girl we met at the bar from San Diego got "bad ass shoe of the night" award:
Jammin in the Hotel at like 4 AM.
Get at me!
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