Got to Amoeba records as soon as Sage Francis finished his show. Saw an emcee I know outside from Portland called Illmaculate. You may know him from the battles. Dope cat. Anyway he told me he was in town for a show too.
Met up with Propaganda Anonymous and his peoples. Kool assed dudes. We went and got a burger at this spot called Bruno's. The food was eh... The waitress was hot!! Sorry no flix of her... Yeah yeah... I know fellas. Sorry.
After that we went to this spot on "the Hill" that has the dopest view. Peep it
Then we went out to promote for our show at El Rincon where Illmaculate was performing with the Sandpeople. Dope show... more flix and yet more to come! Got back to the hotel after some Harvest Grain and Nut Pancakes at IHOP.... Now...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Get at me!
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