This is the log of underground emcee Tah Phrum Duh Bush's happenings. You will be thoroughly entertained and not bullshitted in any capacity. Have a strong stomach and get ready for the ride!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Crib in Prague
I had 2 gigs at the world famous Chapeau Rouge in Prague.. They put me in a serious apartment... So Hey... I got to live like a rock star for like 48 hours... Enjoy it when you can huh?
The infamous Loki Da Trixta who is currently in Poland recording an album came all the way to Prague for my show.... That's love! Peep the video... More to come!
The infamous Loki Da Trixta who is currently in Poland recording an album came all the way to Prague for my show.... That's love! Peep the video... More to come!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Mr Alarm Clock: Translation to Czech
My Dearest Aberrations and Quirks...
I have had the honor of having one of the chapters the book portion of Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works translated into Czech by Mary Čtvery the host of Kruton Radio Show
She chose the "Mr. Alarm Clock" chapter. It is truly an honor to inspire people worldwide.
Pan Budík (Probuďte se)
Nespavost přesahuje hranice času. Když nemohu spát, vše může plynout buď pomalu, nebo hodně pomalu. Díky nespavosti jsem měl možnost prozkoumat čas velmi důkladně. Einsteine… Mám tě rád, chlape! Kéž bych ti mohl potřást rukou. Čas byl pro mě vždy důležitým tématem. Připadá mi, že lidé mají tendenci podléhat mu jako otroci. Mají pocit, že ho nemají nikdy dost. Závodí s ním, bojují s ním. Snaží se ho porazit.
Z mého pohledu čas doopravdy neexistuje. Čas můžeme připodobnit k jednotkám délky, pro tento účel, i k těm nelineárním. Centimetr vlastně neexistuje, je to jednotka. Kilogram neexistuje, je to jednotka. Minuta tedy také neexistuje. Je to jednotka. Chápete, co tím sleduji? Jako koncept jsou reálné, ale v realitě koncept samotný neexistuje. Je to myšlenka, představa a/nebo možná teorie.
Jednotky a míry by nás neměly ovládat. Jen pomáhají v orientaci. Nejsme jejich otroci. To ony by nám měly sloužit. Tak proč se jimi lidé nechávají zotročit? Mám nápad. Mimochodem, ve skutečnosti ten nápad neexistuje… Je to jen nápad, myšlenka, žádný zákon nebo důvod k tesání do kamene. Je to jen můj osobní pohled na věc.
Čtěte více...
I have had the honor of having one of the chapters the book portion of Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works translated into Czech by Mary Čtvery the host of Kruton Radio Show
She chose the "Mr. Alarm Clock" chapter. It is truly an honor to inspire people worldwide.
Pan Budík (Probuďte se)
Nespavost přesahuje hranice času. Když nemohu spát, vše může plynout buď pomalu, nebo hodně pomalu. Díky nespavosti jsem měl možnost prozkoumat čas velmi důkladně. Einsteine… Mám tě rád, chlape! Kéž bych ti mohl potřást rukou. Čas byl pro mě vždy důležitým tématem. Připadá mi, že lidé mají tendenci podléhat mu jako otroci. Mají pocit, že ho nemají nikdy dost. Závodí s ním, bojují s ním. Snaží se ho porazit.
Z mého pohledu čas doopravdy neexistuje. Čas můžeme připodobnit k jednotkám délky, pro tento účel, i k těm nelineárním. Centimetr vlastně neexistuje, je to jednotka. Kilogram neexistuje, je to jednotka. Minuta tedy také neexistuje. Je to jednotka. Chápete, co tím sleduji? Jako koncept jsou reálné, ale v realitě koncept samotný neexistuje. Je to myšlenka, představa a/nebo možná teorie.
Jednotky a míry by nás neměly ovládat. Jen pomáhají v orientaci. Nejsme jejich otroci. To ony by nám měly sloužit. Tak proč se jimi lidé nechávají zotročit? Mám nápad. Mimochodem, ve skutečnosti ten nápad neexistuje… Je to jen nápad, myšlenka, žádný zákon nebo důvod k tesání do kamene. Je to jen můj osobní pohled na věc.
Čtěte více...
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Follow my Folks man...
They are giving shit away.. Plus they are funny as shit!
Watch them on youtube.... I love em!
Saturday, November 05, 2011
EAT by BohušDLM featuting Tah Phrum Duh Bush
This is a collab that I did the last time I was in Prague with my man BohušDLM and Bearmasta Daz.
They gave me a topic and 30 minutes to write and this is what we came up with.
It is called "EAT"
Would love your feedback!
They gave me a topic and 30 minutes to write and this is what we came up with.
It is called "EAT"
Would love your feedback!
Thursday, November 03, 2011
On Tour with Tara Pasqual
My Dearest Aberrations and Quirks...
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways....
The wondrous Tara Pascual has decided to take me on a local tour with her. She is one of my fondest Aberrations... or maybe she is a Quirk? Hmmmm... Which one is it Tara?
Peep the flix of Tara, me and Hym.... all over New Jersey...
Got your own Tour with Tah flix? Send em to me and I will put em up. We will continue to build on Tara's trend. She is the originator of this particular aberrant conduction... Who's got more?
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways....
The wondrous Tara Pascual has decided to take me on a local tour with her. She is one of my fondest Aberrations... or maybe she is a Quirk? Hmmmm... Which one is it Tara?
Peep the flix of Tara, me and Hym.... all over New Jersey...
Landed Safely in London Y'all...
Just got in to London this morning. Gloomy overcast skies... just like you hear about... Gotta love it though. Met the cats from the band Evanescence at the airport. Stuck in customs. Huge gig for them tonight. That was definitely a highlight for me. Keep your eyes on the blog. More to come!
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
My Aberrations and Quirks…
Soon, I will bid thee farewell and hello in simultaneity. I will leave my
loyal folks in the USA once again and embark on a quest to Europe to visit my loyal
folk across the Atlantic. This is my recipe for a tour: entertain, captivate, stir
shit up and repeat. 5 countries: United Kingdom, Germany, Czech Republic, France
and Spain. I have organized everything myself. (And I wonder why I can’t sleep.
Go figure.) From radio shows to concerts to DJ gigs to seminars and workshops. I
will push forth into the unknown and make it “the known”. Peep the itinerary.

I’m in the process of revamping my website. Send me any suggestions
you may have. I will apply the most popular ones. It’s not just my site; it
is yours as well. I’d appreciate any input you can muster.
Do you own a copy of “Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works”
yet? If not, what are you waiting for? You can get it here If you do own it, I’ll send you a free t-shirt
if you send me a video testimonial about it. Even if you hated it and have horrible
things to say, just email it to me and you’ll get your shirt. I’m going
to start putting up excerpts from the book on the site. I hope you digs. I will
let you know about it before I leave for Europe. More good shit to come…
very soon. Footage and pics from my tour in Australia… Stick with me. This
Do it yourself shit is tough on a brother. I’m working full time with the
music, full time at the hospital and part time with the personal training…
I need a staff of like 10 people.
Last Saturday I had a show at Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem…
after my SUV broke down in Brooklyn. I still got there. Still rocked the stage…
What a day… and what a show! Got there 2 hours late and my loyal Aberrations
and Quirks were waiting patiently!! I thank you tremendously.
This weekend in New York, I am a panelist at the RE/Mixed Media festival. If you are in town come out at catch it.
The info is here.
It should be a humdinger…
I think you should join my email list and stick with me…
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tah to sit in on the Hip Hop Panel at RE/Mixed Media Festival 2011
My Aberrations and Quirks...
I'm going to be sitting in on this panel (Remixing Culture- A Panel On Sampling & The Global Appropriation of Hip-Hop)! Come out Saturday October 22nd dammit...NEW YORK, NY (October 2011)—LOFI, an arts organization dedicated to supporting independent media, has announced the second annual RE/MIXED MEDIA FESTIVAL. The festival, which explores remix and mashup culture from the artists’ perspective, will be held on October 22, 2011 in Brooklyn, New York. Over 30 artists, musicians, performers, and technologists will present their work and ideas at One Arm Red and Water Street Restaurant and Bar in DUMBO.
The 2011 RE/MIXED MEDIA FESTIVAL features an exciting mix of work across and within a variety of disciplines.
- Experience how the human body can become a musical instrument at a workshop on hacking the Microsoft Kinect with musician, Adriano Clemente.
- Learn about the political, synesthesia-inducing videoart of Vimeo-award-winning remixer, Kasumi.
- Explore heartbreak and love lost collected from Craigslist with the collaborative hybrid documentary, The Anonymous Heartache Project.
- See the first full performance of 64 Paintings/64 Plays—a series of 64 one-page plays paired with dynamic soundscapes, animation, and art.
- Participate in the celebrated (and wacky) multimedia trivia challenge, Big Quiz Thing.
- Join pop-culture pirate, Elisa Kreisinger for carefully constructed subversions of mass media. (See following page for schedule and talent roster.)
ABOUT LEAGUE OF INDEPENDENTS (LOFI) LOFI is an art/film/media collective established in 2009 devoted to preserving the tradition of independent creation in the arts and to supporting independent artists. Empowered by technology, more artists are creating media than ever before, but their works are often seen only on sites like YouTube and social networks. LOFI’s mission is to create a face?to?face community for these artists to screen their works, and to discuss and critique the works of their peers. We hope to have a permanent home by 2012.
Purchase tickets online here:
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Aberrations and Quirks
I had a lot to think about on the 14-hour return flight across the
Pacific Ocean from my tour in Australia and this is the result:
You have all been given new names.
I have decided that if you follow me
on email, twitter, facebook, read my blog, visit my websitem listen to my music, come to my shows, have read my
book or are even remotely interested in what I am doing, then you are potentially
as “off”, strange or weird as I am. Therefore I have decided to dub
you “Aberrations and Quirks”.
Choose your preference. We do not think along the lines of the average sheep. We
will not be herded into flocks and be lead by a shepherd with his clever but unintelligent
This is what will be happening from now on:
I will
be giving you the raw uncut of it all. Not that I haven’t before… No,
I am not suddenly becoming all extra serious, but in my material you will detect
a somewhat sharper edge as the blade cuts deeper into your mind to dissect your
I will be keeping closer contact. For those of you on my email list, and yo ass should be on my email list... AHEM! I know I used to send email updates
once a month, but I think it is time for once a week. There is so much going on
and I think you need to be aware of it. If you want up to the minute action find
me on facebook or twitter.
My career has grown and so have I.
It is time for my people to grow with me. I have been across the Atlantic Ocean,
the Pacific Ocean and all across the United States with my music. I have seen a
lot. I have loved and been loved. I have loved and been hated… “So
the fuck what?” You ask… Ok, well… If you thought I was cool…
its about to get a whole lot cooler. Your mind may burst into a whole new realm
of self-understanding that you might not be ready for.
This week and in the upcoming weeks those of you on my email list will receive a series of messages
updating you on transformation processes. Transformation of my website, transformation
of how I connect with you… transformation of your mind. If you are not on my email list, what the hell are you waiting for? For those of you on my email list. Thanks for sticking with me!
This is a members only club. You have the option to be a member…
You are welcome here. There is no charge to ride along… Kick of your shoes
and jump on the sofa with me. If you feel that you don’t belong here…
Please, find the exit promptly…your loss. I am not afraid to be myself…
are you? If you are with me then…
Welcome my Aberrations and Quirks…
Welcome to the Bizarre World of Tah Phrum Duh (MuthaPhukin’)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Adam B mentions Tah in his Definitely Amazing Interview...
Adam Bernard had some nice things to say about me in his interview on Definitely Amazing
"Name your Top Five Definitely Amazing Hip Hop Albums, and Lyricists.
AB:You know with my group of friends this is the most unfair question you could possibly ask. I can’t even begin to go through the plethora of albums I love. As for lyricists, I hope people eventually catch on to the fact that Tah Phrum Duh Bush is a genius on the mic. Anyone who can get a chorus as complicated as the one for “Randomatic Idiosyncratic” stuck in your head is truly on another level. We also have guys like Homeboy Sandman, iLLspoKinN, Chaz Kangas, Conscious, Dyalekt, Coole High, Sketch Tha Cataclysm and a host of other talented emcees in the scene. Nationally, artists like Dessa, P.O.S., Vinnie Scullo and Tech N9ne deserve more props. Yes, I realize I listed more than five artists, but you knew that was going to happen. This is why I totally side-stepped the album portion of this question."
"Name your Top Five Definitely Amazing Hip Hop Albums, and Lyricists.
AB:You know with my group of friends this is the most unfair question you could possibly ask. I can’t even begin to go through the plethora of albums I love. As for lyricists, I hope people eventually catch on to the fact that Tah Phrum Duh Bush is a genius on the mic. Anyone who can get a chorus as complicated as the one for “Randomatic Idiosyncratic” stuck in your head is truly on another level. We also have guys like Homeboy Sandman, iLLspoKinN, Chaz Kangas, Conscious, Dyalekt, Coole High, Sketch Tha Cataclysm and a host of other talented emcees in the scene. Nationally, artists like Dessa, P.O.S., Vinnie Scullo and Tech N9ne deserve more props. Yes, I realize I listed more than five artists, but you knew that was going to happen. This is why I totally side-stepped the album portion of this question."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
High Low Class Opened up for me last night...
These cats opened up for me at "The Fox" last night in Brisbane.
Great material. Can't wait to watch them grow. You Should too!
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