Adam Bernard had some nice things to say about me in his interview on Definitely Amazing
"Name your Top Five Definitely Amazing Hip Hop Albums, and Lyricists.
AB:You know with my group of friends this is the most unfair question you could possibly ask. I can’t even begin to go through the plethora of albums I love. As for lyricists, I hope people eventually catch on to the fact that Tah Phrum Duh Bush is a genius on the mic. Anyone who can get a chorus as complicated as the one for “Randomatic Idiosyncratic” stuck in your head is truly on another level. We also have guys like Homeboy Sandman, iLLspoKinN, Chaz Kangas, Conscious, Dyalekt, Coole High, Sketch Tha Cataclysm and a host of other talented emcees in the scene. Nationally, artists like Dessa, P.O.S., Vinnie Scullo and Tech N9ne deserve more props. Yes, I realize I listed more than five artists, but you knew that was going to happen. This is why I totally side-stepped the album portion of this question."
"Name your Top Five Definitely Amazing Hip Hop Albums, and Lyricists.
AB:You know with my group of friends this is the most unfair question you could possibly ask. I can’t even begin to go through the plethora of albums I love. As for lyricists, I hope people eventually catch on to the fact that Tah Phrum Duh Bush is a genius on the mic. Anyone who can get a chorus as complicated as the one for “Randomatic Idiosyncratic” stuck in your head is truly on another level. We also have guys like Homeboy Sandman, iLLspoKinN, Chaz Kangas, Conscious, Dyalekt, Coole High, Sketch Tha Cataclysm and a host of other talented emcees in the scene. Nationally, artists like Dessa, P.O.S., Vinnie Scullo and Tech N9ne deserve more props. Yes, I realize I listed more than five artists, but you knew that was going to happen. This is why I totally side-stepped the album portion of this question."
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