Thursday, August 06, 2009

Tah & the Kids and Demostina's Art Opening.

Today was a long one. I was interviewed on film for an Aids/HIV/Safe Sex awareness outreach program today in Brownsville, Brooklyn. The Kids were fantastic and very sharp. I had to perform for an open mic afterward. In the spirit of promoting safe sex via condoms and abstinence, I performed " Slumber Free Noctural Emission Admission". It was a bit akward at first but the kids loved it. (Or so they told me). They are so used to people being derrogatory about sex that they didn't know how to react. It was still dope though and hopefully a few people will benefit from it.

After that I swung through to Demostin'a Art Opening in Washington Height's today.
Her exhibit is called Breathing Under Water.
It is at a restaurant in Washington height's called Plum Pomidor.
I highly recommend swinging through if you have the time.
It is absolutely breathtaking!

If you didn't know, Demostina did the artwork for my upcoming release "Luminous Dark Alleys: The Insomniac Works". She is also featured on one of the songs called "Nightmares in the Daytime". She is a true talent and she deserves a look see. for more info on Demostina and the exhibit.
Go see it.

By the way the place makes spectacular food and the bartender Anthony makes the best Mojito I have ever had.

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